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PLEASE GIVE GRACE to each other ...


Updated: Jul 20, 2020

It's not ALWAYS a party in a box! Is it weird that in 2 days I have fully cooked and consumed 2 packages of bacon? Add to that a truckload of chocolate.....Lindt called and thanked me for the support! I have been informed that I have enabled them to keep the Canadian branch of the business afloat another year! Thank you to Van Gogh espresso infused vodka for getting me through the live feed....and THANK YOU DEARLY to all of you for joining me and my anonymous camera operator "Jim" in the studio! I have heard from many of you who are home alone. Some of you I have heard from are not home and are alone overseas or elsewhere. My heart goes to all of you who feel less connected at this time. I now want to ask one thing of the people I reach in this community....its a BIG ask; I ask that you PLEASE GIVE GRACE to each other right now! Not all of us hold the same views or beliefs around our world situation. One thing I CHOOSE to believe is that we ALL want goodwill for each other. Can we PLEASE give grace to all whom we interact with? The only way we can truly be "together" is if we remember that a HUGE part of being human is questioning what is happening and sharing our various thoughts with each other. I HAVE ROOM for people who choose to share with compassion and respect how they feel about our world issues even if their perspectives differ from mine.

This is my Easter Wish.





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